chaque jour

cook book, travelogue, project planner and adventure story

Location: Seattle, WA

Saturday, September 10, 2005


School: After transforming myself into a thorn and wedging thickly into the side of anyone who I thought could help our situation, she is in school. Not school A, nearest and dearest to us; not school B, far from home and family; but at school C, part way in between. I am torn about announcing victory because it isn't really what we wanted, but it is so much better than it could have been. She can catch the bus close to home and not so early. So she is re-waitlisted at school A and they have to make a decision before Nov. 1. In the mean time, I am nagging the teachers to see about moving her into honors/advanced classes since school C is not generally as rigorous as school A. I never wanted to be one of those antsy, domineering mothers, but I fear it is unavoidable for the next couple of months, especially since it is her way to back down from conflict and challenge when it comes to school.

Travel: Good lord, we're home for a while, although the social obligations are stacked up in a pile right now. Wedding this afternoon, season opener for the Washington Ensemble Theatre next week, starting back at the ballet on Monday. However, she and I have decided, having seen New York from the plane on our way into Newark this week, we have to go. As a girl, I always assumed I would live in New York (I was going to be a ballerina, after all...), but that idea faded with age and circumstances. But now I think I have to go and see what's there. Plunk--that's the first nickel in my coffee can.

Weather: I knew it was near, but last night confirmed it. Summer is over here. We have had two chilly mornings in the last week, but last night, when walking the dog, I could tell. In the spring, if you go out in the evening of the first warm day, the air remains warm, but the ground is still cold and you can feel the cold radiate out of it. So you know it is a trick and that the next day will be cool again. In the fall, the situation is reversed, with the earth maintaining the last warmth of the summer, but the air cooling to whisk the heat away. That is how last night was. So today the rain has started and against the grey, you notice the red tinge in the vine maples. And we can wear jackets.


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